
TOP > Report > Creative Café Vol. 4 "What kind of thing is musical therapy?" (1/2)

Creative Café Vol. 4 "What kind of thing is musical therapy?" (1/2)pict


Chen Wan
Beijing Union University Special Education Graduate School, Director of Chinese Musical Therapy Association. Harbin Teacher Training University Musical School, Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine Humanities Professor. In China worked to spread the use of musical therapy, with achievements in fields including vocals, piano accompaniment and choruses. Author of ‘Child music treatment Theory and Application’ (Publisher: Beijing University Press). Was the first to establish special musical therapy in a Chinese University.

Facilitator Kayoko Nohara


Musical therapy which brings out feelings
Chen:Today I want to talk about what is musical therapy. Firstly it is not just music technology. It includes a level of appreciation. After that one thing we have to think about; it is about people. How do we communicate information to people? Accordingly, education, psychology, medicine, are all included. In simple words, musical therapy is an interdisciplinary thing.
For those who feel that they cannot successfully express themselves in words, for example brain-damaged or autistic children, or for those whose mental illness has not been able to be treated up to now, or while suffering from depression, musical therapy can be applied in order to bring out the positive feelings from such people.
I want to emphasise that whatever type of person, as part of life, you cannot break the link with music even if you try. I refer to the philosopher Hegel's words. The purpose and subject of art is to release everything which is inside people's hearts, in addition to provide inspiration, sensitivities and feelings. Also, the ability to feel happiness in the middle of the true feelings. This is seen most important aspect of musical therapy I believe.

What is music?
The special feature of music, from long ago, is that it was indispensable in allowing people to express the beauty in their lives. There are three aspects to this. It is said that music first started in relation to manual labour. At the very beginning, shouting along with heavy work. In order to lighten the work, music was born.
Next, in the originally very dull life, through what was called music, it is said that music was intended to allow life to be improved. In China, there are a few tribes, and in various areas in a particularly dull and simple life, music was able to bring some colour to life. This is what we call folksongs. Finally, thirdly, classical music. For those who have studied classical music, you have certainly learned about religious music. Religious music is a kind of psychological Nirvana, isn't it? Or maybe when you want to express through music your wishes.

The process of healing-training in rhythm
With musical therapy, or the actual process of healing, what kind of road are we following? Firstly there is the desire for feelings. Next there is the desire for safety and security. Then thirdly, the desire for personal relationships. One of the very important effects of music for people is their ability to solve personal relationships.
With musical therapy there is the training for rhythm. Rhythm training obviously goes with the melody. But how do you interpret sensitivity to rhythm, this is a very interesting
There is a leading musical therapist in America called Robinson. What Robinson says is: music can discover every corner of your life, and he is a wonderful person. For example, there is background music when you buy clothes. When Robinson arrived, this girl came out of the shop. Robinson pointed out that her step, skip and speed were completely in tune with the music broadcast in the shop. It's very interesting that just the average person unconsciously adjusts to the music around them.
I think people have an unconscious desire to adapt to the rhythm and the order of music. In addition it is necessary to be in harmony with music, and ultimately through music, provide a useful process for self-realisation and solving problems.

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