2017 Editorial Designing in the Media
Editorial Designing 2017 in the Media was offered in the 4th quarter. Instructors are Prof. Nohara of Tokyo Tech, Adjunct lecturers Norihiro Kawasaki and Shohei Kawasaki. This year's theme was "Expressing in the science fiction format". Ways of making a proposal and various editorial process were explored to express original ideas as a science fiction.
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【Student comment】
Through this course, I learned the difficulty of completing a proposal and the depth of currently available publications.
I was familiar with the former because I have opportunities to work on tasks in group, but this course made me realize that a proposal needs to be well worked out to get approved.
Regarding the latter, I was impressed with the profound knowledge of the lecturers. I consider myself quite knowledgeable about Japanese culture, but the instructors who are also professional editors are at a different level. I felt creating something necessitates broad knowledge and perspective as well as putting things in perspective. Taking this course provided me a good opportunity to reflect on my naiveness and inexperience.
November 29 (Wed) December 6 , 13 , 20 (Wed) 、January 10, 17, 2018 (Wed)
Time: 13:30-16:30
Place: Oookayama Campus South 5, 407A
<Number of student>
Prof. Nohara ofTokyo Tech
Mr. Norihiro Kawasaki of Filmart Inc.
Mr. Shohei Kawasaki of Filmart Inc.
フィルムアート社 川崎 紀弘 氏
フィルムアート社 川崎 昌平 氏