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Creative Mini Café No 2 Light expression


Following this season's first Creative Café in The Light Series, we plan to hold a Café on the theme of "Light expression".
To develop our thoughts and discussion on the plan we will hold a minicafe.

15 February 2011 11:00~12:00

TokyoTech Overseas Student Centre Lounge

陳 燕 / Yamazaki / 今飯田 佳代子 / イキョンヒョン / Kuroda / Hara
Alphazero Kawasaki Horiguchi
SVP2(Spread Videoart Project 2) Sato
<Café Planner>
・Plan A
Prior explanation by the students
→Presentation by the Specialist
→Discussion by participants (in 3 groups)

・Plan B
Media Art using light, appreciation of installation etc.
→Concerning the works which were appreciated, discussion by participants (in 2 groups)

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